I think its sad that business’ can put an enormous amount of effort to build themselves into something special, and then only be brought down by poor staffing further down the line. I know its a very UK vs USA thing on service but I’ve always admired the Cat & Cloud staff training and ethos, its pretty inspiring. And nothings worse than working in a job knowing that neither you or even a manager cares, at that point just move on…rather than dragging everyone down with you.
Also for alot of business’ especially in a competitive market, its pretty apparant that bad news travels ALOT faster than good news, keeping customers happy and providing good service is part of what we do, its not a chore, it’s just part of the job and its actually enjoyable, and at times when things go wrong its actually benifitial to your business.
9 times out of 10 when we send a bag of coffee to a customer and it all goes smoothly…we never hear anything back, no review, no feedback, no posts on the forum, nothing. When something goes wrong, bag split, lost delivery etc..and we talk with the customer and resolve it as fast/best as we can, they actually often write about it, leave a review, give some positive feedback! Having that chance to work with a customer and understand where things went wrong is an enormous oppertunity for improvement, otherwise we just keep doing what we’re doing not knowing if its right/wrong.