122 mg/l Calcium

“Total” Hardness 305 mg/l
21.35 Degrees Clark
30.5 Degrees French
17.08 Degrees German
3.05 mmol/l Millimoles

0.15 mg/l Fluoride

According to water company, based on that “total” figure, this is “very hard” according to the “recognised classification scheme” they used. Figures above are current.

Either way, I quoted the figures at the time (similar to those but maybe not identical) and Mark didn’t seem … comfortable. IIRC, he felt some pre-processing would be preferable. Softening, IIRC. But I don’t remember exactly how he phrased it. It just felt like he thought it wasn’t necessarily a good idea, and would drive filter costs (if I remember right) up quite high.

24 days later

So I’m looking at what water I use as I’ve just got a new machine. The entire water topic is totally new to me and quite frankly baffling :) I may start a new thread for this but before I do I will ask here.

I’m currently using Ashbeck which I now have visions of eating through my boiler! So anyway, o will change, but to what? Maybe temporarily Lockhills but I’d prefer to not be on bottled water ideally.

I was going to go with a zero water jug and remineralise. This seems somewhat straight forward.

The Osmio seems quite expensive in comparison, however it seems filters are lasting a year Ish, which would mean it would cost something like £75ish per year if I’m right? Would I have to remineralise the Osmio water or is it just all very plug and play? That would be a selling point for me.

Skuma also looks quite good especially with the coffee recipe thingy.

Help :D

    caffeinated-carp Plug and play for me - i fill a jug and fill the micra 😂 - it has a block which adds back to the water as part of the process.

      MattH ah ok that’s what that little block behind the cartridges is?

      I guess you’ve not had to change filters yet have you Matt? I’m wondering how long to expect out of each set

      MattH and the maintenance is quite literally the 4 filters isn’t it? Plus I think they advise the sterilisation every time you change filters.

      but that’s it?

        caffeinated-carp Yes only had it since Feb - expect a year out if them. Dave puts loads more water through it than me.

        Its nice and easy which is perfect and the ondemand hot water is a nice extra!

          MattH what’s the hardness in your area? According to Severn trent ours is “moderately hard”, which is apparently:

          12.16 Clark, 9.73 German and 17.38 French.

          That’s seems to be the only measure they give you.

            caffeinated-carp 12.16 Clark, 9.73 German and 17.38 French.

            From those figures your hardness is 173.8ppm.

            caffeinated-carp and the maintenance is quite literally the 4 filters isn’t it? Plus I think they advise the sterilisation every time you change filters.

            Maintenance is a bit more involved than that. Osmio recommend that you change the filters every 6 months (sanitary reasons).

            Yes it is recommended that you sanitise the machine when you change the filters. It is also recommended http you descale the machine at the same time.

            You may need to descale more frequently if you live in a hard water area (but you can put the same filters back in) There is plenty of info on the osmio website, have a read and watch the video’s

            caffeinated-carp I live in Kent the home of hard water it seems - so I already have a whole house salt tablet water softener - so I feed the ozmio with that and it strips the added Sodium and anything else left - so it should not be working as hard as if I feed it unsoftened.

              MattH Yes that is the way to to it. Filters will last longer if fed with softened water. However the recommendation for change pf filters is still 6 months.

              Osmio filters can last a long time… mine are nearly 2 years old and work just fine (based on TDS, and occasional KH/GH testing) although I admit I’m using my coffee machine and the Osmio sparingly (2 espressos based drinks a day on average, flushing a cup of water from the boiler each morning to warm my latte cup).

                Eiffel I’m not disputing the technical side of the longevity of the filters, it’s the biological side where the 6 month recommendation comes from.

                  Nightrider_1uk I’m not disputing the technical side of the longevity of the filters, it’s the biological side where the 6 month recommendation comes from.

                  On the filter it actually states 1 year…which is for the biological side.