• Beans
  • Looking for some good/cheap 'test' bean recommendations

So as my journey of sudden failures continues, I’m wondering if anyone has recommendations for cheap (big-brand) beans that are easy to get a ‘typical’ flavour from, even if basic, to test without wasting lots of money ?

Quick recap on my problem: I was running N164 from Rave (dark roast) and enjoyed it, but encountered a ‘smoky’ aftertaste. I had only experienced this once before on some stale (45 day past roast) dark roast beans, and after research/discussion, decided that maybe I just don’t ‘appreciate’ dark roasts.

So today I start on a new Medium roast from Rave (N167) which is 12 days past roast, and I encounter two things:

  1. I have to grind far finer than the previous Mediums I enjoyed (N52, N7) although that’s not necessarily a problem, as all beans vary - just surprised me how much, but I’m new to this.
  2. I find a similar aftertaste - I say similar, because it’s less smoky and more bitter, but reminiscent of the previous problem

This leads me to the following possibilities:

  1. My machine/equipment, which looks clean, actually is tainting the flavours. I am ordering cleaning materials and will be testing this when they arrive.
  2. I’ve lost in the Rave Roast lottery and somehow the last 3 completely different bags have been so different from the previous 3 I had - highly unlikely but I guess possible ? I am trying different roasters just in case, and for more variety anyway, going forward.
  3. It’s just that some Medium roasts have similar finishes/notes. I am doubting this up-front, but can’t speak from experience.
  4. Something else. It could be that I just haven’t been able to properly extract some beans (despite every other aspect seeming fine - my palette is still new, so I may be completely missing things).

Therefore, along with any other advice, I decided it may be worth me trying some cheaper (so I don’t go broke) well-known (likely somewhat consistent) beans, that absolutely will not be ‘great’ but I can experiment and see if I can spot problems.

I could just go and pick up some Lavazza or something, but I figure there may be some solid recommendations as to which to prefer in this case.

In the meantime, I can drink my ‘odd’ beans in filter, as that tends to just make ‘boring’ coffee - at least with my current methods - so nothing actually goes to waste. I just miss espresso.

Change the roaster. Try coffee compass if you like a medium/dark profile.

Can’t remember which machine you have, but if you keep it clean, then it should be all good?

    MediumRoastSteam Thanks.

    I haven’t tried enough to know which profile I prefer, but the Medium (⅗) according to Rave has produced the best results for me so far - until now.

    I am limited somewhat by machine - a basic Sage Bambino - but I know I can get ‘tasty’ results from it, as I have previously, and I have (I thought) kept it clean - I’ve only been using it since January, and the shower-head etc. all look fine. I will give them a clean anyway.

    I fully realise it could just be that I have nowhere near enough experience of flavour profiles / roasts, etc. and just need to try more. I haven’t gone for any light roasts yet, as the Bambino isn’t great for them, but I’ve been reading some interesting long pre-infusion techniques recently, so may also try that.

    I guess mostly it’s just me trying to experience speciality beans, without a well established ‘base’ to work from, but the learning as I go is all part of the wonderful journey :)

    I do plan to upgrade the machine once I understand the pros/cons and which things ‘matter’ (which I’m getting better at each day) but I thought I had a pretty consistent setup - maybe not, yet.

    (I also plan to try pour-over and improve my filter game, but one thing at a time - espresso is what I enjoy the most, and until I’m confident with that I’m not trying new methods)

    north star brazillian is a good bean to try very consistent too

    Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -

      I started with a Bambino and it’s certainly capable of making great coffee. On a weekly basis I would take off the shower screen and give it a good wash in soapy water with washing up liquid and then 15 mins in a Puly Caff solution with my baskets etc. Was my weekly maintenance cycle.

      I’d suggest giving the Coffee Compass Mystery blend a go - it’s usually amazing value.

      I know some people struggle with coffee after COVID - have you had this recently at all?

        dutchy101 I did have Covid over Christmas, but waited to start my coffee journey until after.

        The espresso I’ve been pulling up until the last two/three bags has all been nice though (within my skill range) so it would be odd if I’m suddenly being affected now. Can’t rule it out, I guess.

        I will start regularly cleaning the shower screen along with everything else. I do use a puck screen, and the shower screen (after inspection) is typically completely clean, but it won’t hurt to add it into my routine. Good suggestion.

        What differences did you really notice when you moved ‘up’ from the Bambino ? So far, I’m appreciating how I’d want something that has at least temperature adjustment and a 3-way solenoid valve for better brew control, along with a way to view pressure (and perhaps better control it). Beyond that, I’m happy with the Bambino.

          mobius dutchy101 I did have Covid over Christmas, but waited to start my coffee journey until after.

          I had Covid back end of Autumn - seriously impacted on my sense of taste so much so, drinking coffee became pointless - didn’t enjoy it at all. Sense of taste started to come back and only fully returned end of January. I wondered if it had gone for good.

            Nah, it’s a medium roast, I just know it’s a very consistent roast

            Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -

              Systemic Mine seemed off for a week or so, but then returned to normal. I’ve not noticed anything else seeming wrong recently, but maybe it’s still related. Will have to see.

              They may have changed it

              Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -

              mobius What differences did you really notice when you moved ‘up’ from the Bambino ? So far, I’m appreciating how I’d want something that has at least temperature adjustment and a 3-way solenoid valve for better brew control, along with a way to view pressure (and perhaps better control it). Beyond that, I’m happy with the Bambino.

              The Bambino is a great machine - perfect for a starter set up. I lucked out with mine. I got an old stock version for £229 in April 2020 which developed a fault. Sage replaced it with a brand new machine which worked fine but the cleaning mode had a fault which meant it soaked my worktop everytime I did a clean. I put up with it for about 9 months then asked them to repair it - they couldn’t do it so I got another brand new machine which I sold for £300 and bought an ACS Minima in black a year ago.

              The Minima is perfect for my needs - love having temperature control and I’ve fitted a flow control kit to it too. Love having an E61 group and no lever to have to maintain. It’s got everything I want from a machine and haven’t felt the urge to change it - never say never, but I don’t see the point for my needs. I absolutely love how it looks - I know looks are subjective and the looks of the Minima are marmite, but it’s a work of art to my eyes.

              I’m reluctant to point the finger as I’ve had a LOT of coffee from Rave which has been fantastic. However I did stop ordering from them recently after a few kilos of blends definitely seemed less enjoyable. Might be down to adjustments in the blend perhaps.

              I now subscribe to NewGround Mug Shot which is a single origin Brazilian at around £21 a kilo. Chocolatey med/dark and it’s fantastic as espresso, flat white and brew, as well as good value.

              Also is it possible you’re over extracting? A med-dark could taste smoky if overextracted. It can be tempting to run a medium/dark for 30-34 seconds at 1:2 and granted that’s a sweet spot for a lot of those roasts, but I’ve had fantastic results with some darker roasts around 23-35 seconds. Worth a try.

                Try Blackcat’s Chocolate Point, Signature Blend and Twilight Blend. The latter is a dark roast, the CP is medium dark and the SB is also medium dark I think. My daughter liked all of them as she prefers medium dark and dark roasts. You can start with their CP, which is easy to dial in as well.

                Choc point is darker than the north star Brazil imo

                Inger both regularly for the Mrs.

                Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -


                Also is it possible you’re over extracting? A med-dark could taste smoky if overextracted. It can be tempting to run a medium/dark for 30-34 seconds at 1:2 and granted that’s a sweet spot for a lot of those roasts, but I’ve had fantastic results with some darker roasts around 23-35 seconds. Worth a try.

                It’s absolutely possible, and I am trying different approaches (hence my looking for some cheaper beans to really see how these changes can play out). Keeping at a 1:2 (which is my usual spot), I haven’t noticed any different pulling longer or shorter, with respect to the aftertaste, but overextraction could still be the culprit I guess.

                More experimentation needed. None of the results are ‘bad’ - just not what I would enjoy. I’m also still correcting my expectations for what to see from a Medium roast vs Dark, etc.

                Definitely the North Star brazilian. 7 cashoeiras. it’s super easy to work with and makes excellent coffee. I’m half way into a kilo, it’s the best brazil coffee I’ve had in ages.

                It really is

                Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -