Ando That brings hot water from the steam boiler into the brew boiler when the hot water tap is open. Also used to pressurise the brew boiler when using “steam pre-infusion”.

Can you confirm this? “With the machine open, steam boiler on and at full pressure… If it’s a hole, them steam will be escaping from it. ”

Ando Then once up to temp it was ok.

the hole will not magically close itself up when the machine is up to temp….

There’s no visible steam - just a weird hissing noise. When I put my finger over it it hurt whilst heating up - but tried again once up to temp and nothing.
I noticed one morning last week that the steam pressure dropped whilst I tried to steam at same time as making a coffee (I rarely do this but was in a rush). That and the weird noise caused me to investigate today.
Will do further investigations on Sunday / Monday and report back (going away for weekend)

Niche Zero

Niche Zero

    Ando - good stuff. Try a dental mirror or a spoon and see if there’s visible condensation/water.

    Unless I’m mistaken, if the boiler is at full temp and approx. 2 bar pressure, then if there’s a hole in that pipe water should be squirting out of that as it has otherwise nowhere else to escape.

    I’m not saying there isn’t an issue, but you might be barking at the wrong tree.

    Ando if you can upload an unlisted video to youtube and link to it here, it might be helpful

    7 days later

    So to update on this - there is no hole in the tubing, it’s just black marking that you can see in the video posted earlier by MRS.
    It’s escaping from just under the bit that you push to insert the tubing.
    Will this just be a case of replacing that part u think?

    Niche Zero

    Niche Zero

      Ando It’s escaping from just under the bit that you push to insert the tubing.
      Will this just be a case of replacing that part u think?

      Should just be able to remove it from the boiler, clean up the threads, wrap with PTFE tape (probably 7-10 turns) and then replace it.

      When removing, get a spanner on it and try to shock it off (sharp knocks with a heavier object), not torque it off.

      • Ando replied to this.

        DavecUK Thanks Dave. So grip the whole part at the bottom and knock it loose? What’s reason for not removing it normally just out of interest?
        Below is photo with tubing removed

        Niche Zero

        Niche Zero

          It’s loosened up a bit but struggling to get it out - will keep hammering away

          Niche Zero

          Niche Zero

            DavecUK might have to take this somewhere to try get it sorted - it’s loosened up to point where I can turn it with fingers, but only moving ever so slightly back and forward.
            Is it normally quite hard to remove it?

            Niche Zero

            Niche Zero

              Ando I’m confused, you should be able to remove it with a spanner easily now….video please showing exactly what’s moving backwards and forwards. Because you don’t want to pay £80-100 for a 5 minute job.

                There wasn’t anything obvious scale wise - the part has been cleaned, replaced and same problem (see video). The small top piece that you press on to remove the hose doesn’t feel right, almost a bit flimsy

                Niche Zero

                Niche Zero

                  I should add - this leaking happens when it’s heating up. It stops once up to temp.

                  Niche Zero

                  Niche Zero

                  2 months later

                  Same problem on mine - part is MC935F Quick Joint

                  This forum is an inspiration. First leakage issues, and no panic. I imagined a @DavecUK character standing next to me and asking what investigations I had done, with a reassuring voice asking me to show the inside of the machine, that the leak should be pretty obvious. Top off, spot the issue almost immediately. Quick read of forum and find similar issue, identify part… Part is in stock at local retailer, off there tomorrow morning.

                    jcb1973 Nice one! Once new part was put in it resolved the problem, machine running well again.
                    Agree re forum being very helpful!

                    Niche Zero

                    Niche Zero