So I carried out the tests again, twice for both the tap water and the Ashbeck.
Only the Ashbeck has the 200mg of Bicarbonate of Soda added per 5l.
My scales appear to be accurate to 0.01g
I shook the reagents prior to dropping and dropped vertically into the containers.
The results for the tap water were the same as I got previously in both tests today , total hardness 5 drops in 20ml / 2 giving 2.5 degrees German, and 2 drops for Carbonate hardness in 20ml / 2 giving 1 degree German.
The Ashbeck test gave results of 7 drops for Total hardness in the first test today and 6 in the second test , giving 3 - 3.5 Degrees German and 6 drops for carbonate hardness in the first test and 5 in the second test giving 2.5 - 3 degrees German.
Do these results make any more sense @Rob1 ?