- Edited
I haven’t had any issues so far. I hardly test the water from brew boiler. I do in the case of steam.
The last test on the brew boiler was in Nov 2021
- GH 3 drops avg = 13.43 mg/l (one year range was 13 mg/l to 25 mg/) l
- KH 8 drops to average 35.8 mg/l (1 year range was 36 mg/l - 55 mg/l)
- TDS 69
- Temp 18.4C
The last reading on the steam boiler was on 21 Nov 22 (full flesh every 6-8 weeks and a draw a small cup after steaming)
- GH avg = 6.71 mg/l (16 months range was 6.7 mg/l - 20 mg/l)
- KH average 29.09 mg/l l (16 months range was 29 mg/l - 50 mg/l)
- TDS 67
- Temp 19.7
The new mineralisation filter will skew the reading to the top of the range and then starts drifting lower.