Rob1 this would make sense but I replaced all the filters at the same time including the cartridge.

I will repeat the test tomorrow and see what I get back

Second attempt this morning and it took 4 drops for first change of colour…
GH - 4 drops 71.6 / 4 = 17.9
KH - 4 drops 71.6 / 4 = 17.9

Could be the water needs to sit in the tank to be effectively remineralised. If you filter and dispense straight away maybe it doesn’t work?

    Rob1 I was thinking this might be the case but I changed the filters last Sunday so been a while. The water dispensed wasn’t freshly filtered. Maybe the remineralisation filter needs time to be fully active?

    • LMSC replied to this.

      prezes No! The mineralisation will start working immediately. You have been using it for a week now; if you have never drawn any water after changing the filter, a litre of water in the internal tank was from the old filter.

      The longer the water sits in the pipe (between tank and dispenser), the greater will be the concentration. The first draw in the morning will have more mineral content.

      Could you tell us a bit more about the hard water filter? How is it connected to the mains and Osmio Zero?

      The colour of those two glasses look similar to my eyes. One should be green and the other yellow, IIRC, if it is the API test kit.

        LMSC I run 3.5 litres of water through new filters before using the water and would have at lease another 20 through before first test.

        The hard water filter is another option you can my from osmio if you live in quite hard water area. The filters the unit came with weee standard but as replacement I purchased those .

        Don’t tell me about colours ! As you meant to stop at the first sign of change of colour I am getting mental here trying to establish if this is light yellow or pale green !

        • LMSC replied to this.

          prezes Don’t tell me about colours ! As you meant to stop at the first sign of change of colour I am getting mental here trying to establish if this is light yellow or pale green

          Did you read the instructions ? One of them, which I think is alkalinity, will take more drops than the other; and, that will turn from blue to yellow.

          The other, I think GH, will turn from amber to green!

          For an example, I require about 12 - 13 drops to get the desired colour on my KH test kit to get a value of about 30 mg/l using 40 ml sample.

          These are for the API test kits.

            LMSC of course I read them back and forth few times. On my kit KH is blue to yellow and GH orange to yellow.

            The difficulty is that reading through the posts here you are not meant to wait till the colour is solid but only to the first sign of change which I found a nightmare to assess ! Especially from orange to yellow.

            Sometimes I wish to be blessed with ignorance and thick wallet ! Don’t worry about it at all if machine breaks down I’ll get another one lol !

              prezes The difficulty is that reading through the posts here you are not meant to wait till the colour is solid but only to the first sign of change which I found a nightmare to assess ! Especially from orange to yellow.

              KH > blue to yellow > easy as you can’t miss the change.

              GH is difficult given your colours. You may either try 40 ml sample so that it requires more drops or keep the 20 ml sample, add a drop more to get a confirmation. You can then take an average of the two (one without an extra drop and the other with a drop more).

              On these basis, while your GH looks ok to me, the KH looks too low. May be, you want to run your test of pure RO to compare it with what you have. To get a pure RO sample, you need a blank mineralisation cartridge, draw out all the water from the internal tank and refill the tank as a pure RO.

                prezes is it not the case that the GH and KH tends to be somewhat equal from the osmio remineralisation filter. I don’t want to say it just calcium and magnesium carbonate, but if it is you can just measure one or the other, so if KH is easy you could just go off that.

                3 months later

                I need a bit of advice.

                My osmio zero needs to come back to the manufacturer to be checked over and possibly repaired. This can take a fortnight or maybe longer as developed an intermittent fault. A bit disappointed really as have been provisionally told that my local water might have high iron levels which is not good for osmio and can cause blockages and build up inside so another filter under the sink can be required. I feel this should be mentioned clearly on the spec and before purchase but this is me having a little rant.

                What would be best to use water wise during this time? I can obviously prepare some water in advance but not two weeks worth.

                I considered zero water jug but don’t really want to buy one at this cost just for this time as know it won’t be used afterwards.

                I looked into distilled water stations but nothing really nearby.

                I am hesitant to use ashbeck or lock hills even though I used it in my previous machines but found some scale forming with them. Or whether a short therm use like this and flushing the boilers afterwards wold not be an issue ?

                Did I overlook something ?

                Thanks in advance