DavecUK Yes, jamming expansion valve i should have said. @erkal what is the production year of your Elizabeth’s?


Yeah it was an option but coming from a very very old first gen Sage Barista, getting another Sage did not excite me at all. I have just ordered a more accurate scale so that I can do it your way.

Maybe a Sage/Breville Dual boiler would have been a better choice for you, as it has volumetric capabilities. Saying that, I have no idea how accurate that volumetric flow controller is.


Hi Dave!

I mentioned my grinder being a bit less than ideal for now. It’s a Baratza Encore with Virtuoso burrs. I find the lowest setting almost clogs it so I move between a few ticks up and down just above the lowest setting.

I grind 19g and I get about 18.7, I then dump it into the portafilter. I then use the Normcore tamper with the lightest spring, I think this should be kind of consistent. I don’t have a leveler nor wdt tool.

Beans are from local roasters, I presume they are OK.

I hope this would keep it somehow consistent but sometimes the second shot is clearly visibly way too runny.


The pressure gauge is almost always on 11. But I can definitely check again when I am doing back to back shots.

I am sorry I don’t know what an OPV is and I don’t know the year of the machine but it’s only a couple of weeks old, I bought it brand new from Bella Barista so I am hoping that it’s the latest one or I will be really annoyed LOL.


Is there a way to check the year?

    erkal Is there a way to check what year it is?

    You don’t need to they always have fresh stock, it probably won’t be very old at all, within the last 3 months of build date I would think. We’re talking more than 2 years, perhaps more than 3. @MediumRoastSteam how long have you had your machine now?

      erkal I don’t know the year of the machine

      There’s a rating plate at the back of the machine with information in it.

        It’s written olab 9-14 bar on the new type expansion valve and hexagonal part where I circled is quite wide compared to old one.

        erkal “Production 04/2022”

        2022? That’s a year old machine. Not that it matters, but it’s quite surprising.