DavecUK Holy mackerel Thank you for the long and thoughtful response. Very much appreciate your time.
Disclosure - Just so you are aware, I did get paid consultancy for the Duo, I was doing it for free…
I was aware of your collaborations with Niche. I appreciate your transparency and user-focused persnickety-ness. I am DYING to ask you so many questions about the design decisions that are invisible to lay-people, NDAs be damned :P.
I honestly couldn’t tell the difference between the Duo with 151B burrs spinning at 530 rpm and the Webber EG1. Vs the Lagom P100 it’s just different
This is super helpful; there’s a weird lack of useful, direct comparisons of what’s happening in-cup between the incumbent Titan grinders and the plethora of new comers.
Lagom P100 (which I don’t really like.
Would you mind expounding on this? I have heard this too from (remote) friends.
Hoffman said something about the EG1 being the finest grinder he has ever used, personally I completely didn’t find this the case. I think it’s another overpriced Weber product that doesn’t deliver on the value paid. If it’s about ownership, or what Hoffman said sure…people will buy them.
Well, maybe it was more true at the time? Not defending his conclusion, from a usability perspective I disagree as well. As for the taste of its coffee – well, I haven’t a lot of experience with high-end kit and I can perceive where it improves on flavor/clarity/sweetness/etc. Whether that’s worth it? yeeesh
It was actually Jonathan’s Gagne’s use of an EG-1 that moved me to buy one. That and I will confess to an irrational love of magnets. But it was interesting to see Gagne characterize many of its properties in the service of SCIENCE!. Being unable to sample an EG-1 beforehand, I could at least take comfort in the existence of some…metrics, I suppose.
tompoland seems impressive but it lacks the design smarts of the Duo
Hard agreed. This thing feels like an amalgam of design-house indulgences and conceits, but it ultimately falls short on coherent end-to-end usability. They have forgotten the human. As much as I like the taste of both the core and ULF burrs, I am favoring the Zero for my morning espresso shots before rushing out the door. And its coffee is pretty good too.
The EG-1’s bundled coffee brush is really nice though. Ok, the pour over on the ULFs is getting much better as well. But what an ordeal to use (and it sounds terrible. My old Sette 270wi was worse, but at least it was uniformly bad. The drama inside the EG-1 sounds a like a violent negotiation with the beans that the EG-1 frequently loses).
Should you buy a Duo….I don’t know, you could think about the following. You could buy one (with dual burr set) with the following plan. try it against the EG1, keep an open mind and decide which one is better/same on taste for Espresso and Filter.
A good idea. I’ve ordered one (sigh, they won’t let me order two, at the moment). My intuition is that SSP HUs for filter will probably get me to where I want to go. It’s a pity Niche won’t sell burr carriers, but I can understand their reticence. The aftermarket support alone would be nightmare-ish for a small company. EDIT: just realized that swapping burrs will straight-up void the warranty. alas, again.
The only grinder I do think is better is the Kafatek Flat Max 2, I can genuinely taste the difference.
I’ve had an MC5 (well, now MC6) on order since I had the good fortune to sample one during a visit to a local roaster. Only 5 more months to go until delivery :( I have been hesitant to order a Flat Max due to my indecisiveness over SW or SLM or CR burrs or what. And burr swapping looks terrifying, even with modest mechanical aptitude. The very antithesis of the Duo. I have resigned myself to having dedicated grinders for espresso vs. filter (the promise of the EG-1’s Core burrs flexibility notwithstanding) , but have been reluctant to explode the combinatorics further along the roast-level axis. I’ll probably come around eventually but will need more counter space.
Thank you all for your collective advice. If you’ve read this far thank you for taking the time and letting me unburden myself. I am fortunate to have the means to indulge myself in this hobby a bit, if not the time. So reading about your experiences has been very helpful accelerate my choices.
EDIT: to @BrendaninBrooklyn apologies for derailing your thread. To get back on topic, I am now 15kg into seasoning the EG-1 across Core and ULF burrs, and I kinda hate my life right now :P There’s definitely some improvement, but it’s rapidly becoming marginal.