I’d just made myself a nice coffee and was wondering what to have with it when my phone rang. It was my father-in-law and he said… I was just having a coffee and I thought I’d make a start on that Christmas cake you made me…it was bloody lovely!

Now I made two cakes for crimbo, baked at the start of October, one for me fed (up until the second week of December) with the traditional brandy and one for him fed with his preference…rum.

Of course, as soon as the phone call ended I went and got the tin down. Took off the lid and was hit by that rich, heady aroma. The thing is, it is so rich a small slice will suffice, so I’m expecting to still be eating it by spring.

Anyone else?

    Yep. It’s inmense with a good coffee, but limiting my intake to o e slice every 2 /3 days

    just finished ours this afternoon, sad times 😔 I do want to try doing it with rum next year, did it make much difference?

    Pompeyexile Now you are in Yorkshire I hope you are eating your cake in the approved manner - with some cheese - Wensleydale for preference. It’s a foil for the richness of the cake and a surprisingly good combination.

      Oh yes!…Rich fruit cake with a portion of cheese. A great Yorkshire tradition this southern softy has embraced with gusto.

      Cheddar, Wensleydale, Stilton thay are all good.

      Grabbed a few single portions from Morrisons. It was pretty good.

      Didn’t actually try the one I fed with rum, as it was for my father-in-law. But, thinking I might do a rum one for myself next… sorry, this year.

      I used a Captain Morgan’s spiced rum for his. Thought for mine a nice dark rum like The Kraken which is made from really thick dark molasses. I guess coming from a Naval Port City and my dad being a naval man, I should really go for Pusser’s Navy Gunpowder Proof Rum…

      Now… Durin’ the war

        Pompeyexile That is some really powerful stuff. A friend of mine who was in the Merchant N gave me a taster but it is a bit to powerful for me ( throat grabbing). I prefer the El Dorado 12 y.o. very smooth and tasty , to be savoured slowly☺. PS had the last Christmas pud today👍

        Whilst I know they say you should only cook with booze you would drink, maybe El Dorado 12 y.o. may be a waste, if only because as I baked my cakes at the beginning of October and fed them until 2nd week of December, they soaked up a lot!

        Just measured the spoon I used to feed the cakes and it holds about 25ml. So, in my reconing I fed the cakes beween 250 to 275ml of liqour or 10 to 11 shots.

        Note so self …Must remember not to open the cake tin near a lit candle or whilst the gas stove is on, or drive before three hours after eating.

          All this talk of boozy Christmas cake and cheese is making my mouth water. I scoffed all ours before I left before Christmas. None left ☹️

          Nothing special in our one this year just some Tesco Brandy. Still have some left might even give the Mother in law some more.

          Pompeyexile Do you sup it in a cup or a glass ??. Sounds pretty good to me.

          I totally agree El Dorado is strictly for sipping.