The way people attack others here for perceived slights is astounding. Given that being an AC or DC motor means nothing to you; it’s the same thing, it’s a weird hill to fight on. It’s an electronics discussion relevant to understanding how it works and modification, and makes no difference in everyday use. Yet there are 3-4 replies jumping in excitedly to a conversation not relevant to them, and that they know nothing about and haven’t participated in thus far.
I’ve found the datasheet now, and if Dave wanted to clarify he could easily give the datasheet and the datasheet for the gearbox from chiaphua. I’m sure he didn’t need the sycophantic stuff in any event.
To conclude: It is a dc motor, but weirdly labeled. The HZ value doesn’t belong there at all as DC doesn’t oscillate. The reason for the extra large resistor and huge capacitor is because the bridge would rectify too high, so it needs toned down.