Hello everyone, I have arrived here looking for reliable information about the Niche Duo grinder, first of all I apologise, I use a translator to write so much text (I am Spanish).
The truth is that I have seen some very strange things in the last few weeks looking for information about the Niche, many reviews speak highly of the mill, however, most agree that it is a very expensive device.
You don’t need to be a great researcher to realise that the coffee ‘influencer’ scene is dominated by Americans, with this, there has been a proliferation of brands based in the United States but that manufacture and ship their products from China (Turin, Varia, Timemore, etc.), this makes both the production and shipping cheaper and of course, a product shipped from the UK requires the payment of taxes that, sending from China, are avoided. In addition, there are almost no reviews of these products in my language, Spanish, it is practically impossible to find them.
I sincerely believe that all the reviews I have seen are biased with the tax issue, because of this the Americans crucify the product and emphasize that its quality/price is not optimal, but being Spanish, its competitors do not seem cheap to me:
- Varia VS6, 825€.
- Timemore Sculptor 078s, 899€.
- Turin DF83V, 676€.
All of them, obviously, without the possibility of changing grinding wheels (easy and quick) included in the pack.
Yes, for someone who lives outside the UK the Niche Duo (with the two grinding wheel options) is expensive, it costs me about 800€ (with shipping to the Canary Islands, Spain), and I understand I will pay about 100-150€ more in taxes, but honestly, I think it is worth a Niche Duo for 900€ than the previous Chinese-American ones for 700-800€. The Niche gives me much more security in terms of durability, robustness and after-sales service, plus I am helping, according to their own website, a small family business.
On the other hand, I consider that a grinder has to be a simple product, that fulfils its function in the most utilitarian way possible, the Niche Duo does this, it doesn’t sell variable RPM, plasma generator, bellows, magnets and I don’t know what else that only complicate the maintenance of the product.