I always imagine watchmaker’s stuff to be a bit more… delicate?

So, definitely for cutting with fine incriments if the thread is anything to go by. Nothing to do with weapon or ammunition making is it?

    As some members have already mentioned, It is a hand lathe for metal and it was used on particular items ???

    The only things missing are the items to be worked and the handle to turn the item.

      Elcarajillo The only things missing are the items to be worked and the handle to turn the item.

      Where did the handle actually go?

      Elcarajillo The handle fits on the item being turned (similar style to manual coffee grinder handle but with a clamp)

      Is it for making bearing housings to really tight tolerances?

      Cutting a slot or keyway for woodruff keys?

      Not sure how that could be achieved on a lathe, really needs milled. That said, I have no idea how this item can work as a lathe - not sure how anything can be held in a way that would allow it it spin against the cutter. I’m either missing something, or the tool is.

        Gagaryn The only thing missing is the handle to attach and rotate the item being worked.

        Look at the ‘jaws’ in the second and third photo.

          Not for re-cutting drill bits in a hand drill which you clamp and then turn the handle to rotate the drill bit?