DavecUK Many thanks……I have bought a 30ml bottle and cannot wait for it to arrive. There is a story to the chest. My father was a lawyer and back in the 70’s he had a client who opened the first sit down Chinese restaurant in Newcastle. It was called The Sunrise, next to what is now The Monument Metro station. It was enormous and set in a basement of The Emmerson Chambers, a rather grand building. Same gentleman also opened a smaller one at the same time in North Shields 50 yards from my fathers offices in Howard Street. My father used to take me to the restaurant on a lunchtime when aged about 10 on the odd day I went in with him. I can remember the menu was 3 courses for 2 shillings and 6 pence.
Anyway, one Xmas, shortly after the New Years break, unannounced, a van pulled up outside our home. Some Chinese men got out and brought into the house this hand carved chest, that when you opened it (it was brand new) you were hit with the smell on camphor. That is some 50 odd years ago now and it has been a long time since I smelt it! I might add a photo of the chest tomorrow as quite a few have said it is one of the nicest carved ones they have seen!