Dave, I did say that Nuff said on this topic but since you referenced me in your post above, I think that deserves a reply.
Your knowledge and experience of coffee equipment Is indeed extensive and nobody would dispute that at all, least of all me. However while I respect your knowledge, that does not mean that we as lay people without technical knowledge should unquestioningly surrender our own judgment or tastes to experts concerning the coffee we like or the gear we want.
In all my posts in this thread, I have not held myself out as having any technical knowledge or expertise. I try to make my points baded on logic and reason resting on commonly held presuppositions. It is no different on this thread discussion - to boil down to the shortest compass of what I was arguing for, it is that niche is missing out on a significsnt business opportunity to cater to those who want a clarity focused burr option by only being prepared to offer as the espresso burrs the 151B.
That being the case, what then is the purpose of you flexing at me with your great technical expertise on grinders ?
My point to jake about speed of the niche was two fold - (1) the torque is said to be so great that it should easily handle ssp burrs - this was agreed by everybody including yourself (2) that I don’t understand why was he saying that putting in ssp burrs would mess up the speed of the grinder since the grinder is already supposed to be used for either the stock filter burrs or the stock espresso burrs. Obviously the speed of the grinder won’t change regardless of which stock burr is chosen to be used. As u implicitly agreed and did not dispute in your post above, the stock filter burr is very different from the stock espresso burr as it is not possible for any one burr set to be optimal for both espresso and filter. Thus the optimal speed for the stock filter burrs would be very different from the optimal speed for the stock espresso burrs and therefore the grinder is already sub optimal for at least one of the stock burr sets, or for both. If that is the case, what is the difference with using ssp burrs in the duo? It cannot be more different from the 151B burrs as compared to the stock filter burrs. I don’t think this question by me has been answered by jake nor by you…