DavecUK The reason a specific filter burr exists, is because “elephant in the room”, a burr that does both espresso and filter well, doesn’t exist and technically can’t.
That’s been my suspicion for some time. There always seems to be a compromsie with an omni burr. Still, some come close e.g. the Hypernova Ultra S from which I can derive a pretty darned tasty espresso and filter - ditto for the C60.
But agreed, it’s really preferable to have a dedicated grinder/burr for filter and another for espresso.
Given my Significant Other’s tolerance of my obsession, I am fortunate to have grinders/burrs dedicated to
- light espresso (SSP HU)
- medium/light espresso (Varia Hypernova Ultra S)
- medium espresso with milk (DF DLC)
- filter for clarity (Ode Gen 2/ SSP MP)
- filter for body (Mazzer 151F)
I appreciate that would be grounds (pun intended) for divorce in most households but it illustrates that in an idyllic world (IMHO) we’d all have a grinder that was 100% fit for purpose, and we wouldn’t have to compromise.
Other than for travel because I’ve found it quite challenging to fit 5 grinders into a carry on when flying (I don’t trust “them” with my check-in bag).