MediumRoastSteam My point was that there are quite a few people - influencers as an example - who have a relative short experience with coffee equipment. Yet, due to interest in the hobby and being able to have multiple equipment at their disposal by their own means or sponsored, are able to experience what most of us will never do, all in a very short period of time. This, in my opinion, does not fast track their knowledge and experience.
Good point! I guess that you have to take everyone’s opinions (and they all are opinions) in the right perspective.
Some Influencers have alot of experience but can be hyperbolic in their approach and also do not disclose their commercial backers. Tom has now become an “Influencer” and may not quite have quite as much experience as a couple of other very well known Influencers, but he will (I hope, as he said he would) disclose who his commercial backers are, including whether he is receiving compensation from manufacturers or retailers.
Then there are scientific experts (such as Professor Gagne) who are (I hope) less biased. And burr design engineers who (as they work for manufacturers) have obvious bias.
And then there is Dave , who provides straight forward engineering information and does not appear to demonstrate bias. Well he does have a soft spot for Lelit and Niche, though his work for them, which does I suppose create some bias, but his videos and web posting are quite factual and balanced.
At the end of the day you have to weigh all of this information and make a decision. My only concern is for those who are new to espresso and rely on reviews from Influencers who are not balanced in their reviews, or are biased because of their undeclared commercial backing.
Along with alot of hyperbole on various techniques (that often provide conflicting and/or overly complicated advice, sometimes walked back within a year) that must confuse so many people! I could go on and on about this topic.
Sorry to digress. Back to the OP.