I just ordered a Varia VS3 Gen 2, with Supernova burr. I am thinking about ordering an additional burr and am trying to decide which, if any.
The Varia will be an extended stay and/or automotive travel grinder for me, which will supplement my IZpresso JMax (my short stay/air travel grinder) and my Niche Zero, which is my daily driver. The Varia will only see occasional use at home, unless I prefer the taste from its burrs, relative to my Niche Zero. Fyi, I tend to drink medium to medium dark decaf. Ie Full City to Full City+. But if these burrs improve the taste of medium roasts (ie City to City+), that would be a plus.
I am looking into one of the following burrs:
- Supernova (stock burrs)
- Hypernova
- Hypernova Ultra
Does anyone have experience with these burrs? Especially with the above roasts?
If so, please describe the tastes that you are experiencing: body, strength, flavour, seperation.
What types of beans does each burr favour?
So, if you have experiences with these burrs, feel free to share them.
PS Tom Poland had some limited initial comments on the differences between the burrs. I’d like to learn more from Tom and others on these burrs.
PPS I read a fair bit about reliability issues in the earlier versions. Is anyone having issues with the Gen 2? I hope not, as my Varia is on the way.