Hi JHCCoffee. I’ve had a Varia VS3 now since April 2024 - and like it very much. You asked about the alternative burr sets.
Don’t dismiss the “Black Titanium” version!
Looking at the distribution data that Varia have provided, it gives the MOST fines, and therefore should give the most “traditional” espresso with darker roasts, which are my preference!
Many suppliers do not stock this variation. It’s the best for “traditional” Espresso, so that’s a shame!
I found the stock Stainlesss “Supernova” too clean for my taste, and only used it for about a week, before loading in the Black Titanium Set, that I had ordered at the same time. MUCH BETTER!
I’m now getting Espressos that beat my old Kinu M47, and the workflow is much easier.
For cafinated coffee I’m drinking a cheap supermarket L’OR Espresso Colombia (pure Arabica), which is a dark roast, perhaps about 8 out of 10? It describes itself as Complex and Tangy, which is about right. Together with 90 grams of Almond milk it makes a lovely “Cortado”. Chocolate, Bitterness and Sourness, Very full flavour!
Yes I’ve tried various much more expensive beans, but none have beaten this €12 for 500g pack.
I’m just about fed up of “Specialty” coffee suppliers, who lie about the roast level, describing something as “4 out of 5”, when I would describe it as at most 2 out of 5, or 3 out of 10… I want about 7-8 out of 10 please!
You specifically asked about De-Caff. I have high blood pressure, so I have to drink mostly de-caff.
I’m even more disillusioned with De-Caffs than with “Caffs”!
I’ve tried so very many!
The best that I’ve found, is once again a Cheapo-Supermarket supposedly “Rubbish” bean. Mercadona’s own De-Caff. (I live in spain, and very close to a Mercadona main distribution hub, so they come nice and fresh! The packet still gassing.
This is around 6 out of 10 for roast level, and has an acceptable taste which is mostly “Creamy”, but can have just a little bitterness and Sourness too. Not much of the Chocolate that I love…
I’ve been experimenting with making my own special blend, using that “Mercadona Default De-Caff” as the basis, but adding back in some Chocolate flavour with 10-15% of that lovely L’OR Colombia - Chocolate Heaven!
I’m now getting “De-Caff” coffee which is around 85% as good as the L’OR, and “mostly De-Caff” (and much cheaper!)
Try it with whatever local supply you have. The “Fullest” De-Caff you can find, and then add in a bit of something to give it that “Chocolate Zing”!
You also asked about the reliability of the Varia VS3.
I’m was at first getting quite severe movement of the Adjustment Dial. Anthing from ⅓ of a division to almost a whole division for each coffee!
I worked out for myself that the problem lies with the top bearing being esposed to the grinding coffee, both whole beans and coffee grounds. This creates a “torque” 
on that bearing, which is directly fed to the Adjustment Collar above. I did some vector diagrams to explain this and sent them to Varia.
An engineer who replied was interested, but when I suggested a very simple separating “washer” would resolve the issue - and could I have one PLEASE - FREE! - a marketing manager then replied and told me “to leave it to them”. I.E. they are not gonna do anything and won’t supply the remedy either…
Big Shame! They SAID that they had resolved this - but they havn’t! It may also affect their new VS6???…
Since writing to Varia, I have reduced the amount of RDT that I use, to only ONE spray, which I then mix in with the beans much more throughly than you see most of the professionals doing. This reduction of RDT, also reduces tha amount that the coffee grounds “gum up” inside, and especially between that bearing and the Grinder Central Burr.
This has reduced the amount of Dial Movement to perhaps ⅕ of a division per coffee.
Also since writing to Varia, I had the Grounds Chute suddenly drop off and fall into the Catch Cup!
No coffee till I had fixed that!!
Upon investigation, I found that the two screws that fix that chute inside the machine are too short! Too short to qualify as acceptable engineering practice! The only have between 1 and 1.5 turns of rotation before they are fully screwed in.
This is unacceptable engineering! And is presumably simply because “stock screws” only come in that length…
Yet again, they could have fixed that by drilling the screw recess holes a little deeper. This is something that the user most probably CANNOT do. I’m a “technical user”, with the knowledge, but not the tools to do THAT job.
Drilling Aluminium produces both dust and “swarf”, which absolutely must not get in the adjustment threads!
I hope this long reply has helped you. Regards - Greg