I never got around to doing a real head to head with the prime and key. Due to space the prime is currently in its box.
As you say the only difference is the TiN coating on the key.
Weber say that makes a huge difference, but, not sure my taste buds would detect that!!
I had considered swapping them but time has not allowed that so far!!
The only thing with the key is, im more comfortable using rdt with the TiN coating (even with the minute amount of mist used) and therefore no chance if tarnishing the burrs (have seen a lot of zero owners moaning about that but i also realise its only a visual thing and would need to be extremely severe to change grind performance)
There are subtle differences with the key and philos but id need some real informed training to try to describe it.
On that point, if anyone knows of any coffee tasting courses in the midlands area please shout up!!