Coffeetime - A non-commercial coffee forum
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No longer wishes to buy or sell (use for wanted/sales listings)
Acaia Lunar Espresso Scale Black (£150)
WTB espresso machine, preferably a LA Mini/ or Lever machine 🤔
Weber Workshops Key coffee grinder. 83mm TiN coated conical burr variable speed.
Lelit Bianca V2
Solo T64 variable speed grinder £410 no offers
Hand grinder wanted
ACS Vesuviu Evo Leva £1500
lelit bianca v3 in black, niche zero, force tamper, other bits
Niche Zero (white) for sale £350
Decent Espresso v4 Tamper and 58mm Normcore funnel
Acs Evo leva eva
Wanted - Niche Zero
Spare ticket for London Coffee Festival today(Sat)?
Wanted Niche Zero, early model
Kruve Sifter - Please let me know if some one is looking to sell
Acs Evo leva, niche, mazzer, airscape etc
Mazzer major grinder
ACS Vesuvius - black with African Blackwood upgrade - £1650
Want to buy: Sage Dual Boiler (Reading)
Kafatek Monolith Flat, EG1 wanted
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