LMSC She doesn’t like the coffee from the usual high street coffee shops as finds them bitter and burnt. However, she does find the flat white from McDonald’s far better in quality than others. Hahah
& @Jason1wood 😎
Unfortunately i have to agree about McDonald’s.
Im up and down the country a lot, like 30 odd k miles per year. Obviously i start out with the travel mug each morning. But even having the occasional sip it runs out!!
So usually that gives the choice , stick with the water bottle, starbucks, costa or McDonald’s.
I just cant get to liking Costa. Tried one last month after a long break . confirmed still as bad . I drink latte or flat white anyway. Starbucks is like burned milk but their “blonde” roast is drinkable.
Then theres McDonald’s and i have to ssy it’s the most drinkable of the lot!!
But all of them mean i cant wait to get home!!!
We have 200 degrees locally which isnt bad whilst at McArthur Glen shopping village .
The “best ” locally is a small cafe called the apple tree. They use a local commercial roaster, Coffee Central and thats good, still made in a commercial machine with pressurised baskets though 😭