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Adrianmsmith Consistency will be vastly improved.
Just forget about that cheap as chips 10 -30 metres of grey twin and earth mains cable in the wall at 36p per metre supplying that final metre. These HiFi shops should not be allowed to make the claims they do.
The reviews are truly laughable as are the terms they use for the music: Separation between notes, leaner, soundstage, neutral, detail , better defined. *âAudio is cleaner the noise floor is much lower, separation of instruments is better smaller previously unheard details are now heard and the system becomes much more musical.â
Apparently these are half the usual price for such cables.
Do a large number of people really believe this garbage and the fake reviews that accompany it and the Hifi Choice 5* rating???
And, more importantly, are we the same with coffee, as some influencers would have us believe?