Adrianmsmith Do you guts swap out beans when weighing to get to the exact .000 or . 500g every shot

You did just say, “stick to 19.5g (which is 19.500g) now or 20g (which is 20.000g) decaf”. I found that odd, but you’re free to do what you want and share in good faith

Adrianmsmith And who can honestly tell the difference.

When you dose 14g per drink and have, say, 7g left in the bag, most people would tell the difference. I also often buy small bags of expensive coffee, where it tends to matter more.


    They really must do!!

    Sorry if it came across that i was being serious. 😎🤭

    I guess the use if the work “may” occasionally keeps these claims legal if not immoral!

    I also ordered some snake oil to make my surgery scars heal quicker!!!

    Ade Smith. ACS Evo Leva v2. Kafatek Flat max 2, ssw 2024. Mazzer Philos, Craig Lyn HG-1 prime., WW key mk1.

    About Me

    MWJB You did just say, “stick to 19.5g (which is 19.500g) now or 20g (which is 20.000g) decaf”. I found that odd, but you’re free to do what you want and share in good faith

    Why odd do you make shots with both?

    Being genuine here, not taking the piss, nothing to do with snake oil, the decaf we are using from rave and coffeelink definately needs more in the basket to dial in and give similar head space then the standard coffee i like.

    I do not tend to buy what you describe as expensive coffee. I just stick to outlets such as rave, black cat, coffeelink, origine, extract etc etc.

    Whilst my target is 19.5g or 20g im not looking for 19.500!

    Plus or minus .1 ish will do fine, or should that be finer!!

    Ade Smith. ACS Evo Leva v2. Kafatek Flat max 2, ssw 2024. Mazzer Philos, Craig Lyn HG-1 prime., WW key mk1.

    About Me


      I understand that some decafs are less intense than others, but you can also adjust grind size & ratio. Which is probably the route I would take, but do what works for you.

      What is odd to me, is most common bag sizes don’t divide by those dose weights. Adjusting dose weights slightly to reduce wastage will make likely no difference to shot quality, just to wastage per bag. Again, if you like a home made blend at the end of the bag, all power to you. I might make a French press, or a Cesve in the same circumstances, if left with an odd dose amount.

      Adrianmsmith Whilst my target is 19.5g or 20g im not looking for 19.500!

      Plus or minus .1 ish will do fine, or should that be finer!!

      No one measures to the milligram, but you can stick as many noughts as you like after 19.5…it’s still 19.5 when rounded to one decimal place. You weigh to +/- 0.1g. That’s great, but whether that ends in a 0, 5, 3, or 7 isn’t any more/less precise/pedantic/more or less difficult. It’s the same tolerance and that’s the target in my post above.

        dfk41 I agree…and it definitely won’t if you make up half the dose with a different coffee (that’s what we’re discussing, not how much difference you need to force a recogniseable fault).



        Thank the lord.

        And dont even mention making one today and then the first thing in the morning with or without the taste of tooth paste clouding it!!

        Ade Smith. ACS Evo Leva v2. Kafatek Flat max 2, ssw 2024. Mazzer Philos, Craig Lyn HG-1 prime., WW key mk1.

        About Me

          MWJB I understand that some decafs are less intense than others

          I never mentioned intense or even taste in reference to my different weight of decaf dose compared to “normal”.

          Its to do with headspace and how i like my puck to not be sloppy.

          Ade Smith. ACS Evo Leva v2. Kafatek Flat max 2, ssw 2024. Mazzer Philos, Craig Lyn HG-1 prime., WW key mk1.

          About Me

          Generally speaking, does decaf needs to be pulled longer or shorter?


            I dont actually drink it, but, i try and keep comments from my Wife on the good side!! She has it as americano not a straight shot.

            Best comments seem to be circa 5 seconds pre infusion and 30 35 seconds shot time.

            One observation from me is that decaf always looks like its going to run quick but somehow slows during the main shot.

            Ade Smith. ACS Evo Leva v2. Kafatek Flat max 2, ssw 2024. Mazzer Philos, Craig Lyn HG-1 prime., WW key mk1.

            About Me

            • Edited

            Wow! What an interesting thread this is turning out to be. 😊

            JimmyP Do you adjust your dose to maximise drinks from a bag? For instance dropping from 18g to 17.9g for an extra shot of espresso! 😋 (250g)

            You seemed to have a few tricks up your sleeve to generate some interesting conversations (no pun intended!). Please keep it up. 😀

            I never thought of all these accurate or otherwise sizing up for an extra cuppa. I keep it simple. For example, I dose 15g+ a bean for a single brew and 17.0-17.5g for espresso. Left overs become a blended espresso or a half-caf.

            Inspector Generally speaking, does decaf needs to be pulled longer or shorter?

            For me, everything remains the same except grinding a bit finer. 😊

              LMSC For me, everything is remains the same except grinding a bit finer. 😊

              Possibly why i also use a bit more coffee .

              Finding a bit grinder 🤭🤪

              on the duo i was about 2 full steps finerer !! Currently using the key for decaf. Strangely grind setting on the philos was about the same as standard coffee. No answers here, just observations.

              Always need .5g or so extra to achieve same height after tamp and still ever so slightly sloppier puck after the shot

              Ade Smith. ACS Evo Leva v2. Kafatek Flat max 2, ssw 2024. Mazzer Philos, Craig Lyn HG-1 prime., WW key mk1.

              About Me

              • LMSC replied to this.

                Adrianmsmith on the duo i was about 2 full steps finerer !!

                Always need .5g or so extra to achieve same height after tamp and still ever so slightly sloppier puck after the shot

                I seldom have to grind finer than a full mark. The water does struggle to seep thru’, some time. If it does, I loosen the grind a little.

                MWJB Yes, often slightly over I find as well 👍

                Flair 58, Mahlkonig EK43, Kinu M47, 1zpresso ZP6.

                MWJB Lol. Funny stuff buddy 😂👍

                Flair 58, Mahlkonig EK43, Kinu M47, 1zpresso ZP6.

                Dusk True. But as many of us know bags will often be slightly over anyway, and even if not I feel a slightly faster flow is appropriate for ageing beans.

                Flair 58, Mahlkonig EK43, Kinu M47, 1zpresso ZP6.

                Adrianmsmith Cheers mate. I suspect there’s a few here that are looking for chinks in the armour! 😂

                Flair 58, Mahlkonig EK43, Kinu M47, 1zpresso ZP6.

                LMSC Cheers buddy! 😊

                Flair 58, Mahlkonig EK43, Kinu M47, 1zpresso ZP6.

                The scale I use to weigh my beans before grinding reads to 3 decimal places but that is because I bought it for reloading ammunition not coffee.
                It just gets used more on the coffee bench.
                My preferred dose is 18.0g but my The Force tamper retains about 0.2g so I weigh out 18.2(00) give or take a bean.
                As with Adrian this is more about headspace and puck slop than taste.