I’ve definitely noticed prices really rising e.g. Squaremile red brick is now £36 a kilo on a single bag basis where I think it used to be sub £30. Definitely noticeable on the London based roasters as well given the higher overheads

Fortunately I’m not very price sensitive on the bean buying front and will pay the extra given it’s happening everywhere. I’d rather focus on quality and variety of beans than cost.

More generally I see a lot of aggressive offers on subscriptions suggesting in general there are simply too many roasters out there. I don’t envy you at the moment given the raw material costs and proliferation of roasters out there.

I think with this new information it would be good to know what roasters are doing to address the price rises.

I’d rather pay the extra for my go to coffees to stay the same rather than them change the beans to reduce costs.

I usually buy blends in 500g to 1kg bags for espresso and I buy the odd SO by the 250g bag as something interesting to have as filter. Mostly at the cheaper end for the majority of it, usually £20 to £30/kg for my go to espresso beans.

I use 27-30 grams a day and price increase hasn’t changed my habits yet. If they do and I want to spend less money, I’d prioritize quality over quantity and drink less coffee each day. Either smaller cups and going from two a day to one.

I get through 60 -90 gms a day, taste /flavour/ enjoyment stands ahead of cost.

I would not go down the cheaper / lesser quantity route.

Same here. I go through approx. 40g per day. I’d rather drink less coffee rather than compromise on quality. What’s the point in drinking something you don’t enjoy? I don’t drink coffee because I have to drink coffee - I drink coffee because I appreciate the taste.

Same goes for alcohol/wine: I’d rather drink a wine that I enjoy and can afford rather than something that’s cheaper and can afford more. If I can no longer afford what my taste buds demand for such superfluous beverages. Then I’d rather not drink (coffee or wine).

    The same here, I use only 20gr a day so I think the prices going higher won’t affect me too much. However I prefer to pay more for quality and pay less for other “pleasures”, so to speak…


    Short answer. I will buy what i like the taste of at whatever price the market has to charge for it.

    Same as other essentials really. I cant change what i pay for petrol, gas, electricity.

    Great Coffee is an essential

    My last cup will be in the next hour

    When will it return PLEASE ?!!

    Ade Smith. ACS Evo Leva v2. Kafatek Flat max 2, ssw 2024. Mazzer Philos, Craig Lyn HG-1 prime., WW key mk1.

    About Me

      I would echo the majority of comments here.
      I would only add considering such is the high quality of your roasting - your prices are already reasonable especially combined with the free postage over £25 and forum discount. (Aware that may now change) I’ve been disappointed by numerous roasters over the years and paid higher prices in comparison.

      I also wouldn’t compromise.

      Never tried Black Cat yet but sure I could be persuaded 😉

      Think I would definitely consider drinking less coffee rather than buying cheaper or buying larger amounts (500g out 1kg) of something I enjoy than a selection of different coffees in one go.

      I’ve also not seen the need to use massive shot sizes of like 19-21g and definitely save loads by making 14-16g shots!