Elcarajillo Frank, it was a pleasure matey!
What did postman bring today ?
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New Lelit Bianca to replace a Sage Dual Boiler that had given up a fair few months ago. I bought from Ritual Barista Store during Black Friday and got an excellent deal. I’ve had great customer service already (shout out to Federico) and am excited for many years of experimentation and good coffee ahead!
Hmmm… poor photo quality for some reason?
DavecUK Hey Dave, what are you thoughts on this machine. On paper is seems rather interesting…….
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What machine ? Bianca ?
Waitforme Quick Mill Sunny 2046
Looks nice in white 👍
I was pretty impressed with the range of colours available, but I was aiming for a white build to match the kitchen. Better in real life actually! The paint/power smooths out the edges, softens the sound a little and it wasnt that much more expensive. The Mara X in white was a huggge jump
So far so good only thing I can find ATM is im not sure you can adjust the tension there for pressure.
Other than that it’s near identical
I believe the m3wh bomber have a clone now too
Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -
Picked up a Thermapen Pro on eBay very cheap. Have had a Thermapen for many years and it has served me well. I use the Thermapen mainly for brewed coffee using a stove gooseneck kettle.
Pro has some nice touches - goes into sleep mode if left but wakes up quickly when picked up. It uses AAA battery rather than two button ones as in the original. Both Thermapens are calibrated.
Actually arrived two days ago but have found using the right temperature has made quite a difference to the quality of the foam, art still rubbish but I think I stand a chance of improving now. The UPS from Germany is pretty steep though unless you buy a few bits, looking forward to the group head temperature thingy on Christmad Day.
Yep I’ve had my Thermapen a few years now and found it invaluable. Whilst even back then it was expensive it is very accurate and like many things, you get what you pay for.