MediumRoastSteam Haha - will take some getting used to for sure. Yeah all the bells and whistles - it was the introduction of the dosing system which clashed with a mini mid life crisis that had me pulling the trigger.

Have had my eye on the Evo since it was released and came close to ordering / buying second hand many times.

Niche Zero

Niche Zero


Just a small insignificant upgrade from the Duo, eh 🫣😎☕

….. need comparison reports asap!!

Ade Smith. ACS Evo Leva v2. Kafatek Flat max 2, ssw 2024. Mazzer Philos, Craig Lyn HG-1 prime., WW key mk1.

About Me

Black cat has never let me down tbh.
It’s my first decaf and being used for a flat white and we like it.
The Colombian is decent enough for a flat white but prefer something else for aeropress.
The Maria Melva, Honduras was the best coffee I think I’ve ever had, unfortunately sold out. Spot on complexity as espresso and aeropress.
I’ve had a few SO from Black cat and always been spot on. Last year’s Costa Rican was a highlight.

    ST30B Costa Rican Las Palomas purchased October 23. Could return later on this year and will be purchasing it if listed.
    The more expensive SO from Black cat have always justified the extra price for me.

    • Tal likes this.

    DavecUK Hi - I bought an SPTK-38 … I needed something small and alas got myself some tennis elbow which meant the Kingrinder K4 had to be parked for now. I am making Espresso with a cheap machine :) - The Gaggia Evolution (2023).
    I watched your review and you seem to have the grinder setting at 24 … but when I tried today at 24 - it was way too coarse. So I went to the other extreme - 5 … and that chocked my little Gaggia Evolution. Went to 10 - it was passable but still too coarse - so I guess I am going to be between 5-10 - it looks like they have changed something in the grinder so that the range is not the 20s anymore for espresso. You also mentioned that it’s ok to have the dial in between numbers - do you think it will be consistent - I just wonder if my range is all in between 5 and 8 - i will need to go into the mid numbers to get to a good result (i might get licky with some coffees - but i noticed that Kingrinder needed often just 1 click of difference to get a good coffee). Thanks for any insight or tip!

      massig They did, the conical burrset has changed and so whatever I had it on may be different now. I suspect you won’t need to go to half numbers and remember you can always fine tune by having 1g less in the portafilter…or using in between marks.

        DavecUK Thank you - It is a gold looking set now with 7 points…


        I took the last 250g of the Colombia Dulima from the freezer today and decided to try it as an espresso. Got to say, it’s far better this way than the aeropress. I think I was perhaps a little dissapointed with the Ethiopian and that led to me to judge the Colombia unfairly.

        I shall eat humble pie in this instance

          Tal David @BlackCatCoffee is a very friendly, responsive chap. I often contact him via email before placing an order on a new bean to get the lowdown. 👍

          • Tal likes this.
          • Tal replied to this.

            vs me who never seems to get a reply from them lol

            i also rate their coffee,

            Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -

              ST30B just started the signature and I am rather enjoying it, had it as filter this morning and an espresso based long black when I got home.

              Seems I cannot edit my first post on the subject. I’ll stick with my initial assesment of the Ethiopian as a filter brew though. It wasn’t quite to my taste.

              7 days later

              Big Hario delivery and some scales.

              La Marzocco Linea Mini - Mazzer Philos

              Ikawa Roaster

                I cheated and went to Waitrose…. I do enjoy making hot cross buns but they’re a lot off faff and don’t keep very well so the supermarket was the easy option. I can’t say I approve of chocolate ones though.