I’ve got a 1.3 Pro Decent and a Vesuvius, Also an L1 and Evo Leva but they weren’t in the title so I’ll ignore those.
From what you say the Decent will fit the bill exactly. They do release versions each year but there has been minimal changes re hardware. Fore example the latest version upgrade just changed the stand the tablet sits on. They also provide for earlier versions to upgrade at minimal cost.
It can be simple to use if you set it up that way or you can change a shot live on the fly ala Bianca, but with a graph to show what you are doing. I find the most difficult thing, if you decide to go with every software change is keeping up with it all. I got a version that was stable and run with that and only look at updating software every 6 months or so. But, with stop at weight, limitless flow / pressure / temp flexibility you’ll go through a lot of coffee just playing. Will definitely be keeping mine.