BlackCatCoffee yes siree I would ditch most beans at 4 weeks. My milestones are:
Dark: rest one week, then enjoy for 10 days after
Medium: rest two weeks, then enjoy for 20 days after
Light: rest three weeks, then enjoy for 30 days after
I’m quite fussy though. I’m only interested in espresso at its peak. Others will enjoy well beyond my dates either because they don’t taste a difference or becaause they simply still enjoy it.
I’ve based the above guidelines on a log I kept of over 100 at-home roasts. For the majoity of them I started tasting after seven days and kept sampling each day, noting when I felt that a bean hit full flavor and the day/s it tasted past it’s peak.
I have settled on the phrase “best between” to descrribe the date range where I think the flavor will be at its peak.
Vacuum sealing individual 18 gram portions at the start of the “enjoy” phase adds another two weeks on to the peak flavor duration. Foe example dark roasts go from 10 days to 24 days.