Well, seeing as we’re all expressing our views, I’ll express a couple, too.
First, nobody should be forced to vaccinate against their will. Also, not doing so is idiotic, but people have the right to be idiots, Like I said, my view.
Second, what they don’t have is the right to hold everybody else to economic blackmail by blocking bridges, and threatening not just a large chunk of the economy, but the livelihoods of other people, and they sure don’t have a right, in any democracy, to do so in the face of successive court orders, That isn’t protest, it’s anarchy. Again, my view. Nobody else is obliged to agree, any more than I’m obliged to care if they do or not.
Third, what’s going on in Ukraine is both truly gut-wrenching, and highly predictable. It’s the kind of thing a-hole dictators do when in power for too long with no effective way of getting them out. The likes of Saddam and Ghaddafi would have if they could have. I feel terribly for the Ukrainian people but,there’s nothing I can do about it so I’ve been avoiding as much of it as I can,and boycotting TV and radio news, as it’ll make me feel bad, and I do that well enough anyway without help from Putin.
Fourth and finally, that this thread went so far off such a serious track, so fast, that’s it stands as a masterclass in why politics on a forum is a bad idea. Yes, Dave has done so much for this forum, and the community, that I 1000% (not a mistype) support his right to post it if he needs to. Lord knows he’s earned that much. Nonetheless, not a good idea …. in my view.
So, I’m leaving this one alone from now on.