Thanks all for your replies, appreciate all the advice and support. I have spent a LOT of time and a lot of beans (2kg) on this, and am not making any progress. Have checked touch point (thanks @mackerel), have tried it clean, have tried it not cleaned, with RDT, without RDT, etc. etc. It works fine at about 8.5 and up. If it’s clean, I get about a 1g of retention, but after a couple grinds to coat the insides, I then do get close to 0 retention. No matter what, the inside of the funnel is coated like this:

It just won’t grind @ less than 7 (at 7 at medium speed it takes about 60 seconds). The grind might suitable for a pour over, but no way can you make espresso. I have only tried dark roast, which is what I like. Maybe it would be different with a lighter roast. Have reached out to Kopi for help, but i guess they’re all on holiday still. They have been great responding, up till now. Hopefully they will have some advice. Meanwhile, same beans through my old grinder, a rocky rancilio (18 yr old), still brews a fine cup. But have been waiting over a year for this Deva to replace it. Enjoy the weekend.