FadedFrontiers stirring for twice as long as you originally said every time wouldn’t sound quite as low effort versus dropping a paper filter in the basket.
Maybe - but then there are a couple of other considerations:
I quite like ‘body’ (fines) in my coffee. I drink a fair amount of Turkish, and I don’t like filter brews (too weak and ‘clean’ for my taste). I suspect putting a paper on the bottom would produce those effects, even if actual extraction may improve (though again, since I like medium/dark+ roasts, I doubt it would or that it would increase “pleasantly”).
Picking up the paper from the bottom of the puck, rinsing and drying it is not effort free, and it takes more than 10 seconds - nor is the cutting of more papers (which are more expensive and less durable than needles). I often pull 4-6 double shots in a row because I have guests or I cook something (mainly desserts) that requires large amounts of good coffee. I can do that with WDT quite quickly; with paper - even assuming I’d like the result more - it would mean cost and/or significant increased time.
What I’m trying to get at is that the assertion that ‘a paper filter on the bottom produces better results with less effort and cost than WDT’ is, if not outright incorrect, at the very least highly circumstantial.