Doram we are trying to help,
Oh, I understand that, and I do appreciate all comments. And I mean, all.
Looking back, my replies to Rob might look to be a bit sharp. That was not my intent. The intent was explain why I looking for a tamping-less solution. For most people, probably 99.999%, a light tamp is not an issue of any sort. I’m in the other 0.001% and I was trying to explain why I’m not looking to experiment with solutions that involve tamping.
That broken finger? Know what I was doing? Walking across a room. I didn’t hit it, knock it, stress it, nothing. Didn’t think much of it either. It was “Owww!”, and I moved on with my day. But when after a couple of weeks, and with one other issue, I eventually went to my GP I got referred straight to a surgical assessment unit at the hospital, and hours later, a bone biopsy (which was great fun - not). That’s how the diagnosis was made.
Sure, the pinky is a tiny bone, but the fact that it snapped from what appears to have been normal muscular tension shows how careful I have to be, and why I’m tamp-averse, why I’m looking at a leveler-only solution, or even Puqpress. Explaining that is the tone I was aiming at. I may have missed.