What are your collective views on levelers instead of temping?
I’ve seen a lot of comments, many/most of which seem to refer back to WLL Marc’s assertion about 3 or 4 years ago that the Jack leveler is a substitute for tamping. The logic seems to be :-
- avoids the consistency from human variation
- if used correctly, exerts enough pressure, pretty much eliminates channeling
- hard to use incorrectly if basic principles are followed
- avoids wrist RSI / shoulder injury from tamping.
This is not an idle question. At the moment, I can tamp. How well, is arguable, but I can. If I use the Sage grinder/tamper I don’t need to, but …. the Niche Zero is on the way. Also eyeing the Eureka Oro Single Doser. Then, I will needto.
Part of my cancer problem is bone cancer, and as it happens, in both shoulders, both of which have had radiotherapy, and are degenerative. Exerting undue shoulder pressure risks a brokewn shoulder, As I say, this is not an idle question.
So, options? Pugpress, or similar. That’s Plan A but, not cheap. Before I pull the trigger, even at about £130, the Jack Leveler, while expensive, is a lot cheaper than that. To be clear, I don’t give a hoot about theJack’s fancy colour options, wood options, etc. I also am more than happy for a similar device that isn’t Jack provided it works. But I won’t baulk at the £130-ish of the Jack if need be. Nor at the Puqpress, if it comes to that.
What I do want is something first, foremost and primarily works. I’d rather just go Puqpress (a barista friend assures me she’s more than content that that works, albeit at a price), and uses one at work.
But what about levelers? Marc (WLL) seems entirely genuine, but it does make me wary when smeone recommends something that they sell. Impartial it ain’t, though it might well still be good advice. The theory, as above, seems fine, If you compress enough to eliminate channeling routes, and get the puck level and consistent, then the actual pressure shouldn’t matter. Some testing Seven Mile did on tamping pressure seems to agree with that.
So, levelers? Good (and cheaper) alternative to Puqpress (for my home, distintively non-commercial usage), or questionably ineffective if fashionable gadget/gizmo.