So, it’s finally time to go away.

Not had a holiday since covid started

We had centreparc booked march 19, but we locked down, then we had the Oct booked and we locked down, so that all got cancelled and refunded,

We’re now off to a very nice caravan in Wales, and then on to see family down there, the little girl is excited to visit a new country 😂

I will how ever be caffeine free for a week, I CBA packing my svart and brewing gear,

Sods law though peeing down all week !!!

Just looking forward to a break with no customers, no phones ringing and hopefully no internet connection

Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -

    Enjoy the break and have a super good holiday with family!


    This is what a hand grinder and Aeropress go are for! Otherwise you get withdrawal symptoms and start wondering whether that Costa you’re walking past is really as bad as you remember from the last time you thought it couldn’t possibly be that bad.

      Dusk hand grinder and Aeropress go are for

      Too much of a faff for us mate! If we don’t find a roastery serving coffee, we are good without it.


      Dusk wondering whether that Costa you’re walking past is really as bad as you remember

      Can relate 😂

        Currently in Majorca and have been very disappointed with the coffee so far. The hotel I’m staying in has Mazzer grinders and proper industrial looking machines so I had high hopes.

        They seem to be using pre-ground coffee from the grinds chamber every time, so I’ve stopped buying in most places. There are bean to cup machines which are free to use with breakfast which make as good a coffee as the bar with the Mazzer and proper machine. It seems to be common practice in the restaurants and cafes here - it might well be back in the UK too but hadn’t ever taken any notice / interest in this before buying my own equipment.

        Looking forward to making my own coffee again.

          dutchy101 ever heard of ‘torrefacto’? I had to find out about it when we were on hols in Spain last year too! Found out by googling ‘why does coffee taste so bad in Spain’!! I went back to drinking tea

          Cuprajake curious to see how long you last before giving in!

            There are machines and grinders in the reception area. Hoppers are half-full but they’re never in use. Presumably this is for the winter time. I can only hope the beans are thrown away before the winter season starts

            dutchy101 ha! And no offence to any Spanish friends here btw just a bit of research that’s all🤔


            I’ve had 5 this morning to make up for the lost days 😅

            Decent De1pro v1.45 - Niche Duo - Niche Zero - Decent is the best machine ever made -

            dutchy101 They seem to be using pre-ground coffee from the grinds chamber every time

            That’s not necessarily an issue, if the volume is sufficiently high. If they turn out >1,000 shots a day at a fairly consistent rate through the day, the beans in the distributor are always fresh (a doser for a Major holds 360 g, or ~40 single shots - in 14 hours of opening 8 - 22 that gets refreshed nearly 2 x hour). If they have a peak in the morning and one in the evening, during the day you may get some stale grounds. And if the volume is low because they make shitty coffee, then they’ll keep making it.

            BTW - note that a “torrefazione” in Italy is just a roastery. No malarkey with adding sugar!

            In Spain, they commonly use UHT milk for cafe con leche. That makes a big difference to taste too. I actually don’t mind it (which is good ’cos I’m moving over there soon).

              -Mac I think UHT tastes fine as well. Got used to it during my student days. I like evaporated milk as well (but not so much in tea).