- Edited
My workflow of feeding the machine and keeping the scaling risk is good. I haven’t seen anything, which is a cause for concern, so far. Touch wood.
The current practice:
Feed the remineralised water straight from the OZ on demand; draw a cup after every steaming and do a full refresh every 3 months. Over 14 months, the GH range of the service boiler is 7 mg/l - 21 mg/l.
I do think from time to time the following, when the Evo tank requires a refill, if I should do the following once a week:
- Remove the mineralisation filter,
- draw out the 1L water from the OZ Internal filter
- Prep a concentrate of bicarb
- Refill the Evo tank and add 8-10ml of concentrate
- Draw another 5L of RO and keep it under the sink. We are probably ok during winter.
I don’t think we need more than 7.5L a week of RO even if we draw a small cup after every steam.
The question:
Will the 5L water, if kept at the room temperature, be fit for consumption? Are there any health risks?
My wife thinks it is a bad idea, and asked why change the routine when things seem under control; she recommends keeping it simple and continue the current practice, unless required. She does have a point.