Everyone must now know that I always have too many questions. So let me fire away:
1/ I used some stale bean to try a couple of shots. The first one I used same grind size as that for my Robot. Almost choke the machine and got 18g in and 35g out in 75s. For the second shot, I tried two dot coarser, similar result. Wet puck too. I will try to go coarser. But do you think the soupy puck is due to the choking?
2/ I dose 18g and mess up with coffee ground spilled around. Do I need a ring or the dose size is wrong or my technique is bad?

3/ between shots, I followed the instruction to remove the PF, left for 15sec, then flush the group head and clean it with cloth. Do I really need to use the brush every time?
4/ I found two scratch in the inner wall of the PF. Don’t think it is deep enough to cause channeling. Was it design like this or did I do anything wrong to scratch it?

5/ how do I know the machine is ready for the next shot?
6/ when standby, the pressure is 1.4 bar for the steam boiler but zero for both the group head and boiler pressure is it normal?