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DavecUK God I hate YouTube shorts, no time scale, you can’t skip back or skip forward, have to watch the whole thing each time. So if there’s a machine problem, you might have to watch them in full a few times.
Thanks for putting up with YouTube, Davec. Appreciated! I shot the video with my iPhone and then uploaded with YouTube. Is there a better way?
Re the beans, the video makes them look darker than they are. They were labelled medium dark. I would call them a Vienna Roast. Looking at Sweet Maria’s roast scale Roast Scale the beans are a 14, on a scale of 1 to 16. They were frozen 2 weeks post roast, but I suspect that they may be stale due to moisture creation when I open the frozen jar. Here is a pic: They are a tad darker than I usually enjoy (I prefer Full City roasts (#13 on that scale).
FYI, the grind starts slow; it seems like the beans are having trouble getting through the control disk. Once the beans start to flow into the burrs, the pace picks up. It takes about 30 seconds to grind all the beans, but then another 15 seconds to get the last grinds out, to the full 16.5g in, without retention. So 45 seconds total.
While the NZ is great, I have ground frozen Full French roast through my Eureka much faster. Something seems not quite right.