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Today we will be leaving Naples to head off to Rimini and the exhibition. I had hoped to look at the new laser cutting machine they got in (and play) but unfortunately one of the motors on that isn’t working properly and they need a replacement. I was gonna play with the laser welder and but that is only partly set up and they still need to get the proper laser goggles to go under the helmet for that but it looks interesting and should produce a neat job.
Finally the advanced bending machine that can also curve metal is still at the airport waiting for a professional install, it’s a rather large machine and has to be installed absolutely level on a special base.
I have had a chance to look at the one group Vostock and get it all set up for the exhibition and get all the settings as we want them. I’m looking forward to Rimini but it’s apparently very very cold.
We will have minimas Vostocks the Vesuvius and slushy machines at the display.