titanium1 Many Thanks !

Now I just need to decide what colour and where to put it ๐Ÿ˜‚

Got the email - details sent back - went for white ๐Ÿ‘ - and payment made

Cheers I am a bit of a Luddite. Off to the gym now but will sort it out later.

In any case I have got the email from them so we should be good to go


Well it all arrived yesterday - its setup and runningโ€ฆ just a word of caution ๐Ÿ˜‚ the quick guide mentions a single push will dispense 250ml - which it does - a long press will do 500ml (or continuous or 60seconds) - though I found to my peril it seems to be about a litre ( which caught me out ๐Ÿ˜‚)

just need to get some felt pads for the feets.. glad I picked white - it looks really good ๐Ÿ‘



    MattH a long press will do 500ml (or continuous or 60seconds) - though I found to my peril it seems to be about a litre ( which caught me out ๐Ÿ˜‚)

    Ah yes a long press does indeed do 1 litre. I think whites a great colour. Mine is black, still looks good at just over 4 years old. Should I need to buy a replacement, I would probably try a white one next time.

    JoFab In order to obtain the offer, you need to get two other members to order one too. Then send the 3 email addresses to Mark at the email in the first post

      Nightrider_1uk I have actually found a better deal so have gone for that. Plus waiting for other members could take forever not the best thought out offer!

        JoFab These group offers have worked very well in the past, with 6 people required to for fill the offer. When I purchased mine I think is was in round 12 or 13, and then group took a couple of days to get 6 names. Also recently a group of 3 have just ordered.

        Congratulations on getting your deal, I hope it works for you. We would be interested to know what you brought and how much it cost

        14 days later

        Hi, I am new to this forum. But I am also interest to the Osmio Zero Reverse Osmosis System, not sure if there is anyone still want to buy that with the offer. Thanks.

          matthew_luke Hi, I am new to this forum. But I am also interest to the Osmio Zero Reverse Osmosis System, not sure if there is anyone still want to buy that with the offer. Thanks.

          You need to get 3 of you together, it might be that your post will stimulate 2 others to hop on. Welcome to the forum.

            matthew_luke Some one had shown an interest after the first group buy. Please scroll up and check.

            Btw, welcome to the forum. Thx

            DavecUK Hope so, maybe everyone already got their own ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†, but it will be good if I can get another 2 ppl to buy together.

              matthew_luke As someone said, look back, one person has expressed an interest in addition to the original 3 that now have their systems.

              Is there anyone still interested? I need two more people to buy together. Thanks.

              This the the best thing I have bought way better than my Niche and Vostok had it for years now brilliant bit of kit never let me down

              Out of interest, does anyone know how much (in a v.hard water area) it costs per litre of filtration?

                Igm45 I use the hard water filters due to my Anglian Water region being relatively hard and roughly filtered about 4,400 litres on my first set. I average about 12l a day and had it just over a year before my change Iโ€™ve just done. So that would work out at roughly 1.4p/l.