Yup, I’ve just been through in the kitchen gently warming mine with a hairdryer. :-) Got it all out - it was pretty kinked but now that it has had some gentle heat its lips in and out nicely. Also added some felt feet that are barely sticky. I may make my own with 3M VHB.
Hardly a Niche purchase...
I just bought some 3m from Amazon to stick my rear dash cam onto the rear windscreen. Have not thought about putting felt pads onto the Niche, might give it a try as I do have some pads which I got from Lidl.
Hmmm, good idea that - might try it on the Mara too…..thanks!
Gagaryn congrats on the new arrival! I’ve mine about 3 weeks and loving it. I experienced the same chord[less] issue after delivery but thought no more about it, it’s been sitting happily over by the socket ever since. I did think wow this lead is a bit short but just checked now and I have some slack!! I was exactly the same regarding colour choice. I picked black as it was only one available when I decided to purchase and was also tempted to mail them once white became available but didn’t bother and am very happy. I’ve used it from factory settings so far, as in haven’t calibrated or anything and am loving it! The specialita should be on sale in time for someone’s XMas present now, haha!
Congratulations on an excellent choice, btw.
Had my Niche about a year now and it’s all I’d hoped for in terms of workflow and sheer ease of use.
I actually wanted the black model because to me it looks a bit more purposeful.
I’m not chasing a Nordic roast experience so the conical burrs are just fine by me, medium-light roasts coming through nicely.
Cleaning and recalibrating is so easy it’s gobsmacking when compared to my Macap which has been relegated to brew grinding.
No dramas with cord storage, here in Qld, winter day temps average around 24° C…….just don’t ask about Summer temps, lol!!!
It’s a bracing 3° C here is sunny Edinburgh.
Used the Niche today for the first time. Initial thoughts, quieter than I thought and is a pleasure to use. It has a feel of a quality product. Only used for moka pot today so not much to say regarding grind quality - I’m no expert, I’ve been using an old Dualit grinder up until now.
My Vesuvius (E61) is due on Monday though so that’s when the real fun will start.
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… but look what I got today. :-)
Cups? Plate rack? New counter top?
Grinder? What grinder?
Wot, me? Jealous? Of course not. Just ’cos I’ve got to wait until January. Not a bit of jealousy. At all. Barsteward. :D
And yes, I ordered it in black. Why? Instructions from domestic management.
Vesuvius? Very very nice……oh well my Mara X is a great wee machine and it came up trumps in the Domestic Approval stakes, which is the other side of essential for me and my continued well being, lol
Welcome to the club ;)
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CafeNoir …. and it came up trumps in the Domestic Approval stakes, which is the other side of essential for me and my continued well being, lol
And is why I have a Sage Oracle, not the Profitec 700/ECM I was favouring, me being no more of an idiot than you. 😄
It also reminded me that to get what you want, seek forgiveness, not approval/permission. Domestic Management is pretty good at subtle hints, and when she said “Get that and you’re putting it in the garden shed …. and sleeping in there with it” that, being canny, I read between the lines and decided not to.
I ordered a white on earlier (on Dave’s forum offer). I didn’t tell Domestic Management until it arrived (nor how much it cost).
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@Nightrider_1uk I ordered a white on earlier (on Dave’s forum offer). I didn’t tell Domestic Management until it arrived (nor how much it cost).
My problem with that is that DM here doesn’t care what it cost, but if she doesn’t approve, visually, it ain’t going in the kitchen. I could put it in the garage. That’d work.
As for cooking the books, I presume you aren’t married to someone who was a finance professional until she retired? Unfortunately (for that purpose), I am. If I get caught doing that, the resulting ruckus will be audible from Mars. Nah, mate, I don’t have a death wish.
@CoffeePhilE Try moving the Kitchen to the garage, Not so far to walk to make coffee then