Hoffman testings grinders around £500
Well, I watched it. I always get the impression with Hoffman, that he skims over things and happily ignores others. For example he complained at the £39 price increase on the Niche without mentioning that they had held the original £499 for donkeys. So, are we all rushing out to buy …………….?
Overall, I thought it was pretty fair, he made the point that any of them would do the job. It wasn’t ‘anti-Niche’ in any way.
The, “conical that tastes like a flat”, & “flat that tastes like a conical”, surely makes the concept moot.
dfk41 he complained at the £39 price increase on the Niche without mentioning that they had held the original £499 for donkeys. So, are we all rushing out to buy …………….?
Really though, if the market has become much more competitive, then that is something to consider. Niche doesn’t own the single dosing space any more.
Good vid. As a (very happy) x54 owner was expecting to be chastised for still daring to use a hopper in 2023 but his comments were very fair.
His summary of the use case was bang on, and exactly my experience.
La Marzocco Linea Mini - Mazzer Philos
Ikawa Roaster
HarveyMushman I like my hopper as well - just push and go 😂
HarveyMushman was expecting to be chastised for still daring to use a hopper in 2023
Governments around the world are set to ban hoppers for home use by 2027 so make sure you get a new single dose grinder to comply by then.
drdre89 and grinders by 2030. That’s why I’m already buying pre ground for espresso and using a pestle & mortar for filter.
MattH Yep same here… IMBHO the only practical use for single dosing is with a manual grinder. Recently was looking for a ‘modern’, capable electric and saw a barely used Moca SD pop up on eBay at a very fair price. Of course I asked why the seller was parting with it so early on and was tempted to give it a shot, but just can’t be bothered with single dosing any electric.
drdre89 That will go over like a lead balloon… government officials will have better luck trying to ban petrol in favor of electric (won’t happen in this lifetime) than getting rid of hoppers.