I have just moved my wife over to this bunch. Her phone is just there for emergency use and only has 2 numbers in it. I was paying £6 pm with GiffGaff who I am also with and am very happy using. With 1p, you add £10 which lasts 120 days before needing re-charged. Costs are 1p a minute, 1p a text, 1p per MB of data.
They also do another plan @ £36 per annum which gives free calls and texts plus 250 MB of data per month and if you exceed that, then you have guessed it, 1p a minute.
I switched my better half’s sim over yesterday, following the instructions on their website. Easy peasy! I then started the PAC process which again was automated and easy. With Xmas, it gave me a date of January 4th for the swap.
Now my question, is does anyone have good or bad experience of them. On Trustpilot on 15,000 odd reviews, 5% are 1% and seem to mainly revolve around customer service in the run up to and over Xmas. I am not going to learn much from my wife’s account as she has never made a call yet. The website is clear and works well! I still make a few calls and plenty of texts and Whatsaps but the prospect of reducing my mobile down from £72 to £36 is tempting!