Hey team!
I hope you all had super Christmases and are all still semi-comatose from too much Christmas pudding and charades.
The Duo is a grinder that really interests me, and I have nearly bought one on two separate occasions. The reason for not having pushed the button yet is due to some of the comments on a different forum based a little further away from home. Several users have complained of shaking grinders, burr wobble or misalignment, and have started an opinion that a 64mm burr would be a ‘better’ choice. How they know what is better for me in anyone’s guess, but it does give me pause for thought. From reading through almost 80 pages of comments on two separate threads, it seems to me as though most actual users of a Duo are very happy. There is a small minority of Niche users so have decided for reasons usually related to quality control that the unit isn’t for them. Lastly there are a fairly suitable number of users who seem to have simply taken umbrage with the simple fact the Duo exists at all.
The first and second sets of users, those who like and dislike the product having used it, I can understand and appreciate hearing from. The last group though, I’m surprised at. I appreciate that the internet is full of self-proclaimed ‘experts’ hiding behind a veil of anonymity, most of which will never have even handled the product let alone used it, but this seems different to me.
I couldn’t help but feel there was some form of negative bias against the Niche Duo on reading over the threads, but am not sure if this was a misconception due to the alarming quantity of mine pies I’ve put away over the past week, or if anyone else has felt this too? I’d be very interested to hear your thoughts on the matter, and if it is happening to a greater extent than other products, why this may be the case.
Decent DE1 • Mazzer Philos