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hello@“DavecUK”#1 Yes. That’s one of the things that, in all honesty, I find a bit daunting. The designers seem to have gone out of their way to ensure that no unauthorised person gets inside the machine. Watching some of the maintenance videos I gained the impression that I would be spending as much time with a screwdriver as I would with Artisan!
Sometimes I think I was shamefully neglectful of the Huky, but it did run like clockwork for 13 years, with minimal attention. I was scrupulous about the vacuuming, attacking it after and before every roast with my handheld Ryobi and paying particular attention to the gas burner base (supplied), which wasn’t a terribly good match for the machine. You had to do, else it was a potential fire raiser. The Huki was quite a chaff chucker and not particularly careful about where it chucked it - maybe because it was one of the early models with the perfed drum. Sometimes chaff would appear as if from nowhere, mid roast, settling on the front edge of the burner in chunks and if you didn’t get rid instantly it could flare up like November 5th..
Apart from vaccing and the occasional blob of lubricant,I left well alone and the machine rewarded this ingratitude with years of faithful service.
If I get The Bullet I know I shall have to change my ways.