Not sure how that could be achieved on a lathe, really needs milled. That said, I have no idea how this item can work as a lathe - not sure how anything can be held in a way that would allow it it spin against the cutter. I’m either missing something, or the tool is.

    Gagaryn The only thing missing is the handle to attach and rotate the item being worked.

    Look at the ‘jaws’ in the second and third photo.

      Not for re-cutting drill bits in a hand drill which you clamp and then turn the handle to rotate the drill bit?

        Elcarajillo I assumed the jaws were flat as if to hold sheet metal…do they have a semicircular section on each jaw, so a round object can be held within them but still rotate?

          I know I said cutting drill bits but more precisely sharpening them? or re-sizing them?

            Chuffin hell! You said I was warm before when I mentioned a drill!

            Now where’s the cat?… I need to kick something. (joke)

              Elcarajillo something in your statement was very warm😀

              Are you a stripper in your spare time because you are a bit of a tease.

                Cutting a thread to make a bolt or machine screw

                Lelit Elizabeth, Niche Zero

                V60 with Drip Assist, Clever Dripper, Knock Feld47

                Aeropress, Knock Aergrind

                My head hurts! There had better be a chuffin prize after all this!

                I’ve got it!!!!! It’s obvious!

                It’s for taking the rough edges off a 90’s pop singer…….it’s a…..wait for it….wait fror it….

                Chris De-Burr……..broooooom tish!