Gagaryn The only thing missing is the handle to attach and rotate the item being worked.

Look at the ‘jaws’ in the second and third photo.

    Not for re-cutting drill bits in a hand drill which you clamp and then turn the handle to rotate the drill bit?

      Elcarajillo I assumed the jaws were flat as if to hold sheet metal…do they have a semicircular section on each jaw, so a round object can be held within them but still rotate?

        I know I said cutting drill bits but more precisely sharpening them? or re-sizing them?

          Chuffin hell! You said I was warm before when I mentioned a drill!

          Now where’s the cat?… I need to kick something. (joke)

            Elcarajillo something in your statement was very warm😀

            Are you a stripper in your spare time because you are a bit of a tease.

              Cutting a thread to make a bolt or machine screw

              Lelit Elizabeth, Niche Zero

              V60 with Drip Assist, Clever Dripper, Knock Feld47

              Aeropress, Knock Aergrind

              My head hurts! There had better be a chuffin prize after all this!

              I’ve got it!!!!! It’s obvious!

              It’s for taking the rough edges off a 90’s pop singer…….it’s a…..wait for it….wait fror it….

              Chris De-Burr……..broooooom tish!

                Is it for cutting metal rods? Or thin metal pipe - like brake pipes?

                Pompeyexile I think you should go and indulge in some coffee= you are obviously stressssssed

                Consult the coffee flow chart on funnies thread, read and inwardly ingest👍😁