dutchy101 Whilst my DF64 Solo works very well and I’m very pleased with the grinder I like the thought of not using bellows and I’m very keen on seeing how the SSPs perform.

The SSP HUs often sell second hand around the £100-130, and are regularly put up for sale on eBay and CFUK. You’ll even get them pre-seasoned, and with that coating there’s a low likelihood they’ll get blunt with regular use.

MediumRoastSteam How will we know they are actually SSP burrs? Will they come with a certificate or something? Is there a marker on them (like on the Mazzer burrs?)

Yes they have the logo etched on to the back of them, you’d need to unscrew them to see it though. Not seen any reports of fakes branded as SSPs, seems especially pointless when there’s so many cheaper generic burrs for sale with similar designs to these HUs.

MediumRoastSteam On a serious note - if the grinder will come with SSP burrs fitted from the factory… How will we know they are actually SSP burrs? Will they come with a certificate or something? Is there a marker on them (like on the Mazzer burrs?)

My guess would be this is going to be extremely unlikely as the manufacturer would realise this is going to immediately kill any deal and ongoing business, Not just with Bella Barista, but their products world wide. What reputable business is going to want to deal with a company that did this….and word gets round surprisingly fast.

    DavecUK - Thanks. It makes sense. As we don’t know where this grinder is coming from - it’s not Eureka, or Ceado, or Mazzer, or Niche, etc… It’s just some company in china no one has ever heard of (I myself don’t even know who makes this grinder yet, and hence the concerns), specially if they are fitted at the factory. But my question still stands, and it was answered: Looks like the burrs are indeed marked so it would be possible to check it (although one would need to take them off the carriers).

    I know there was a rather expensive single dose grinder manufacturer at one point who advertised their grinders shipped with Mazzer Burrs… Until someone checked and they were actually Mazzer clones.

    Can’t be too careful these days.

    Not saying it’s happening here but there are burrs marketed as ‘Red Speed’ burrs but aren’t actually SSP. I know because I inadvertently bought some.

    La Marzocco Linea Mini - Mazzer Philos

    Ikawa Roaster

      HarveyMushman there are burrs marketed as ‘Red Speed’ burrs but aren’t actually SSP. I know because I inadvertently bought some.

      Red speed is just an aluminum-titanium coating that isn’t proprietary to SSP, although they are known for it - Eureka makes red speed burrs for the Atom.


        They were advertised as MP Red Speed burrs which I bought for a Mazzer grinder and at the time, this was a couple of years ago, I wrongly assumed that meant SSP. But they turned up unbranded.

        It was my fault really but I didn’t realise red speed was just a coating used by other manufacturers at that point.

        La Marzocco Linea Mini - Mazzer Philos

        Ikawa Roaster

        Looks like this grinder is now available for the general public from BB for £459. The discount code for forum members (£100 off) no longer works.

          I guess there’s still some of the 20 units at £459 available? It was going to be a £75 discount from the 25th.

          Is it only me who has ordered one?

            dutchy101 It was going to be a £75 discount from the 25th.

            Most likely they have changed their mind on that. I haven’t ordered one - although I have to confess I’ve been tempted many, many times! - I already have a Niche Duo, so most likely it will be just more of the same. I don’t have a need for 2 grinders either, to the point I sold my trusty Niche Zero the other day :-)

            delta76 MediumRoastSteam the coupon gave 100GBP off which makes it 459GBP. I guess the anticipation was not great so they make it available to everyone, no coupon needed

            The coupon was designed to give forum members a head start, that’s all, the first 20 were always intended to be a £459 launch only price.

            The one I have is a very good grinder…..must get it packed for return.

            It’s a great forum offer and very much appreciated - I can’t wait to get my hands on the grinder. I’ve also benefitted from the other BB forum offer for the Solo hand grinder

            Keep ’em coming @DavecUK - cheers!

            Gagaryn I’m pretty sure the BB one is made by Ningbo Grind Electric Appliance

            Looks like you are correct. Bella Barista actually does list the manufacturer. Not on the product detail page, not on their listing page, but in the “recently viewed” section. 🤷‍♂️

            Incidentally, not he same manufacturer as the df64.

              MediumRoastSteam the manufacturer of df64 hit the jackpot so I don’t think they need to introduce new brand, only expansion of df64 line. It is the other manufacturers that need to catch up with new offerings.

              Interestingly two years ago df64 was touted as NZ killer. Now almost every new cheap grinder in the market aims to be df64 killer

                I may not know much about the technical side of coffee, but I do know if @DavecUK recommends something, then it must be good! Remember, he is completely opposed to commercialism on this forum and in general. He does not take money in exchange for reviews (sales pitches) so he has no interest in recommending something that does not come up to his standards.

                I think folks sometimes have short memories and if they were there have forgotten that cfuk existed for the original owner and a handful of selected members to rape and pillage members selling them a whole host of goodies.

                  delta76 the manufacturer of df64 hit the jackpot

                  I just pointed out they are not the same! No reading in between the lines, no second guesses, no hidden agenda. Just pointed out, that’s all (as it happened to be side by side in the image).