dfk41 This meant the bread that you made was not very good! However, roll on 20 years and with Youtube’s help, I now realise that many people own and make bread in them and far from using packet mixes you follow recipes!
I was using one of those 20 years ago… 😉 - and no packet mixtures.
They are essentially a mixer/oven all in one. Over the years, we had 4 of them. They do break, and the one thing which is likely to go wrong eventually is the paddle mixer inside the pan. Eventually, it will stiffen.
The basic bread, white bread recipe works fine. The one main issue is that due to its confined space, here’s a lot of moisture in the bread, and it’s usually on the dense side. One tip is to take the pan off the machine and the bread off the pan as soon as it’s finish and let it cool down on a kitchen surface. It’s hot! Over the years, we used the machine to mix and kneed, but preferred then to finish off kneading by hand and use the oven to bake it. We also used it to make pizza doughs. These days, we have a kenwood mixer and use that instead.
They are great for convenience: you can easily measure and bung everything in the pan before going to bed and wake up in the morning to the wonderful smell of fresh bread - and a fresh loaf to eat.