We’ve got a new oven with a dedicated bread setting which makes a real difference to achieving a good spring.
Bread Makers
How does that work? I mean how is that achieved?
Cafelat Robot, Niche Zero, Kinu M47 Simplicity
I bake at 230c for first 20 mins. That plus pre-heating the Dutch oven I bake the loaves in helps achieve good oven spring.
Does anyone make Banana (bread, loaf, cake) in their machine, or for that fact anything else? I remember making butter and jam but it is years ago!
Systemic looks awesome, I’d smash that toasted covered in butter and a nice wedge of Lancashire cheese on the side.
EddieMoonshine Lancashire cheese
Oh no, has to be extra mature cheddar 😜
Ade Smith. ACS Evo Leva v2. Kafatek Flat max 2, ssw 2024. Mazzer Philos, Craig Lyn HG-1 prime., WW key mk1.
I might sound like a heretic but I like it with tahini at breakfast. I am addicted to Belazu tahini which is head and shoulders better than any other tahini I’ve tried - nutty and subtly smokey.
Adrianmsmith I thought my Lancashire cheese comment might cause controversy 😂
EddieMoonshine Lancashire Crumbly can’t beat the tang on sourdough toast