dutchy101 Your workplace banned kettles? Wow. Toasters I get, but kettles?
The complaint was from the company running the canteen…they put in rules to prevent people eating their own food in the canteen space (all provided by BT of course), then removed the kettles. People started eating at their desks…threy banned that. We were in a business park, nowhere to eat…People started eating in the seats at reception when it was raining. The company moved to ban that and the management union got involved. Stated they had to provide employees an eating area and access to hot water…and threatened to take them to court. We were then allowed to eat in the canteen area, all vending machines had to give hot water free (it tasted awful) and when the canteen was open, they were forced to give us hot water for free if we asked. I was not very senior in those days…
In later times, the stupid rules like that didn’t affect me or my teams